Like her protagonist Salome
Waterhouse, Denise Osborne is a Feng
Shui practitioner with many years of
study and practice, and a firm belief that
this ancient Chinese art and science is a
viable tool in criminal investigations, in
particular, victimology. Like her other
protagonist, Queenie Davilov, Osborne
started out as a screenwriter who hit
Hollywood fresh from the University of
Oklahoma with a degree in journalism,
emphasis on motion picture production.
Osborne has written about Native
American art and artists, worked as a
publicist for the Potawatomi Indians of
Oklahoma, received awards for short
films and screenplays, created an
interactive Web-based character named Dinkum, worked as a ghost
writer, and among other jobs, served as a flight attendant with Braniff
Airlines. She is currently a member of the Association for the Study of
Women and Mythology.
Additional educational endeavors include: 4 years at Narimasu High
School, outside Tokyo, Japan; evening classes in fantasy literature and
semantics at Harvard University extension, Cambridge, MA;
screenwriting and production classes at Sherman Oaks Experimental
College, Hollywood, CA; Spanish language study in Barcelona, Spain.
An avid traveler, Osborne has lived in many U.S. cities and cherishes
the years she lived in Japan, England, and Spain. She has given many
Feng Shui presentations in conjunction with book signings in stores and
libraries around the country and enjoys teaming up with other
practitioners to teach Feng Shui.
Believing that the natural world is in crisis, Osborne supports the efforts
of Earth Island Institute and Save Japan Dolphins, Sea Shepherds, the
Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, and Natural Resources Defense
Council. Her professional memberships include: Mystery Writers of
America, Sisters in Crime: the Border Crimes chapter, the American
Society of Dowsers, Kansas City chapter. She is also a Red Ribbon
professional with the International Feng Shui Guild and served two
terms as director of the Kansas City chapter.
In 2011, Osborne joined an eclectic group of women readers, collectively
known as the Bluestockings Book Club. She lives with her husband and
avian friends near Kansas City, Missouri.
About the Author
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