Elements: color white, mouth, metal
Virtue: Curiosity
Location: middle right hand section
of the Bagua
Salome Waterhouse, Feng Shui
practitioner and the protagonist in The
Feng Shui Mysteries, helps solve crimes
and household misdemeanors (a dirty
stove). Here is what she has to say
about Creativity/Children.
This is your place of “why not?” In
bringing out your creative urges, you
learn about yourself. Dormant talents
can be expressed when you activate this
gua. This is not the place to hold back,
to edit one’s ideas in favor of pleasing
others and halting a creative urge simply
because it might not be acceptable.
Children do not hold back when
expressing themselves—until a grownup
comes along and stops them.
Opposite children/creativity is family/
health. Resolution of family problems
leaves you free to create. At the same
time, knowing your family and ancestors
may just introduce you to and awaken
extraordinary talents you never thought
you had. Explore!
Let your imagination take flight here.
Just like a newborn child, potential
has no boundaries. It is the creative
imagination that, when put to use,
solves conflicts without resorting to
violence or war. In The Glass Castle, a
memoire by Jeanette Wall, the family
is homeless and camped in the desert.
One Christmas, Dad takes each of the 3
children off and sitting them down, asks
them to look at the stars and to choose
one. That star is the child’s Christmas
present. Some may scoff, but I say the
father showed imaginative genius in
that he also inspired each child to “look
up”, to see the night sky, even when
they felt down. Certainly, the incident
impressed the book’s author many years
later. What the father did exemplifies
and exhaults the creativity/children
gua—pointing out the extraordinary
universe and giving it as a gift when you
seemingly have nothing.
If you haven’t seen your children and/
or grandchildren in some time, post
their pictures in this gua and every day,
announce your intentions to be with
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